- breast
—breastless, adj./brest/, n.1. Anat., Zool. (in bipeds) the outer, front part of the thorax, or the front part of the body from the neck to the abdomen; chest.2. Zool. the corresponding part in quadrupeds.3. either of the pair of mammae occurring on the chest in humans and having a discrete areola around the nipple, esp. the mammae of the female after puberty, which are enlarged and softened by hormonally influenced mammary-gland development and fat deposition and which secrete milk after the birth of a child: the breasts of males normally remain rudimentary.4. the part of a garment that covers the chest.5. the bosom conceived of as the center of emotion: What anger lay in his breast when he made that speech?6. a projection from a wall, as part of a chimney.7. any surface or part resembling or likened to the human breast.8. Mining. the face or heading at which the work is going on.9. Metall.a. the front of an open-hearth furnace.b. the clay surrounding the taphole of a cupola.10. Naut.b. a rounded bow.11. beat one's breast, to display one's grief, remorse, etc., in a loud and demonstrative manner.12. make a clean breast of, to confess everything (of which one is guilty): You'll feel better if you make a clean breast of it.v.t.13. to meet or oppose boldly; confront: As a controversial public figure he has breasted much hostile criticism.14. to contend with or advance against: The ship breasted the turbulent seas.16. to overcome, succeed against.17. to come alongside or abreast of.18. breast in, Naut. to bind (an object, as a boatswain's chair) securely under a projection, as the flare of a bow.a. to thrust (a vessel) sideways from a wharf.b. to keep (a vessel) away from a wharf by means of timbers.[bef. 1000; ME brest, OE breost; c. ON brjost; akin to G Brust, Goth brusts, D borst]
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Universalium. 2010.