
/bred"nut'/, n.
the round, yellow or brown fruit of the ramon, Brosimum alicastrum, of the mulberry family, used, roasted or boiled, as a substitute for bread in the West Indies.
[1750-60; BREAD + NUT]

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tree genus
also called  milk tree  or  ramon 

      prolific trees closely related to the breadfruit and found widely in second-growth Central American tropical rainforests, where its presence in deep forest is considered evidence of pre-Colombian Mayan silviculture. The tree has since been cultivated in many tropical countries.

      Tall with a dense, wide crown, a single breadnut tree can yield 1,000 kg (2,200 pounds) of nutritious seeds from masses of yellow, round, one-inch fruits. The alternate, short-stemmed, oval or oblong leaves measure about 18 cm (7 inches) long.

      The breadnut is an easy tree to cultivate, tolerating many soil types and growing rapidly. The light-coloured, hard wood can be used in construction. The tree is a source of food for both humans and livestock. The smooth, leathery leaves offer forage for cows, sheep, and goats. The sweet, succulent fruits contain protein-rich seeds that are boiled and made into a paste or are roasted and used to make a coffeelike drink. The milk-white sap, giving the tree one of its popular names, is a nutritious drink.

      Breadnut trees grow widely in areas formerly colonized by the Mayan (Maya) civilization, especially in the Petén region of Guatemala. They were planted extensively in the lost city of Tikal (200 BCAD 900). Mayans are thought to have preserved the seeds in underground chambers called chultunob, probably as insurance against famine. Brosimum belongs to the family Moraceae.

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