bread and circuses

bread and circuses
something, as extravagant entertainment, offered as an expedient means of pacifying discontent or diverting attention from a source of grievance.
[1910-15; trans. of L panis et circenses; from a remark by the Roman satirist Juvenal on the limited desires of the Roman populace]

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  • bread and circuses — noun plural Etymology: translation of Latin panis et circenses : food and entertainment offered by a government (as a dictatorship) to soothe discontent * * * something, as extravagant entertainment, offered as an expedient means of pacifying… …   Useful english dictionary

  • bread and circuses — activities that are intended to keep people happy so that they do not complain about problems. Tax cuts are just bread and circuses designed to distract attention from the underlying economic crisis …   New idioms dictionary

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  • bread and circuses — bread′ and cir′cuses n. pl. cvb something offered so as to pacify discontent or divert attention from a grievance • Etymology: trans. of L pānis et circēnsēs; from a remark by Juvenal on the limited desires of the Roman populace …   From formal English to slang

  • Bread and Circuses (Star Trek) — NOTOC ST episode name = Bread and Circuses From left to right: Spock, McCoy and Kirk in a Magna Roma prison cell. series = TOS ep num = 54 prod num = 043 remas. num = 33 date = March 15, 1968 writer = Gene Roddenberry and Gene L. Coon story by… …   Wikipedia

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  • bread and circuses — entertainment or political policies intended to keep the masses happy and docile. → bread …   English new terms dictionary

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