- brakeman
/brayk"meuhn/, n., pl. brakemen.1. a railroad worker who assists the conductor in the operation of a train.[1825-35; BRAKE1 + -MAN]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Brakeman — Brake man (br[=a]k man), n.; pl. {Brakemen} (br[=a]k men). [1913 Webster] 1. (Railroads) A man in charge of a brake or brakes. [1913 Webster] 2. (Mining) The man in charge of the winding (or hoisting) engine for a mine. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
brakeman — ☆ brakeman [brāk′mən ] n. pl. brakemen [brāk′mən] 1. a railroad worker who operated the brakes on a train, but is now chiefly an assistant to the conductor 2. the last person on a bobsled team, who operates the brake, controlling skids and… … English World dictionary
Brakeman — A brakeman is a trainboard rail transport worker in the U.S. Historically, the brakeman was the person who would walk the length of a train atop the cars while the train is in motion and turn the brake wheel on each car to apply the train s… … Wikipedia
brakeman — noun Date: 1833 1. a freight or passenger train crew member who inspects the train and assists the conductor 2. the member of a bobsled team who operates the brake … New Collegiate Dictionary
brakeman — noun A railroad employee responsible for a trains brakes, couplings etc Syn: brakesman … Wiktionary
brakeman — n. one who assists the conductor of a train and oversees the operation of the train s brakes … English contemporary dictionary
brakeman — noun (plural brakemen) 1》 (Brit. also brakesman) chiefly N. Amer. a railway worker responsible for a train s brakes. 2》 a person in charge of the brakes in a bobsleigh … English new terms dictionary
brakeman — brake·man … English syllables
brakeman — brake•man [[t]ˈbreɪk mən[/t]] n. pl. men rai a railroad worker who assists the conductor in the operation of a train • Etymology: 1825–35 … From formal English to slang
brakeman — n. (pl. men) 1 US an official on a train, responsible for maintenance on a journey. 2 a person in charge of brakes. Etymology: BRAKE(1) + MAN … Useful english dictionary