
/brak"tee it, -ayt'/, adj.
1. Also, bracteose /brak"tee ohs'/. Bot. having bracts.
2. a thin coin, struck only on one face, the pattern of which shows through on the reverse face.
[1835-45; < NL bracteatus. See BRACT, -ATE1]

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      thin, gold, disk-shaped pendant peculiar to early Scandinavian civilizations. Bracteates were produced by first carving the design in relief on some resistant material, such as bronze or wood, and then pressing a thin sheet of gold over the carving.

      These circular bracteates were derived from late Roman and Byzantine coins. Goldsmiths later abandoned the Roman originals for a local style of animal ornament or for designs representing their native deities, such as Thor riding a goat.

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