bon marché

bon marché
/bawonn mannrdd shay"/, pl. bons marchés /bawonn mannrdd shay"/. French.
a bargain.
[lit., good market]

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(French; "Good Buy")

It was founded as a small shop in the early 19th century, and by с 1865 it had become the world's first true department store. Its 1876 building was designed by Alexandre-Gustave Eiffel (18321923). It is unrelated to the Bon Marché chain of department stores in the northwestern U.S.

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      (French:Good Buy”), department store in Paris, founded as a small shop in the early 19th century. By about 1865 it had become the world's first true department store. In 1876 the shop was given a new building, with skylighted interior courts, designed by the engineer Alexandre-Gustave Eiffel and architect Louis-Auguste Boileau.

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