
/bong"goh, bawng"-/, n., pl. bongos, (esp. collectively) bongo.
a reddish-brown antelope, Taurotragus eurycerus, of the forests of tropical Africa, having white stripes and large, spirally twisted horns.
[1860-65; prob. < a Bantu language; cf. Lingala mongu an antelope]
bongoist, n.
/bong"goh, bawng"-/, n., pl. bongos, bongoes.
one of a pair of small tuned drums, played by beating with the fingers. Also called bongo drum.
[1915-20, Amer.; < AmerSp bongó]

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Large, brightly coloured antelope (Boocercus, or Taurotragus, eurycerus) found in dense forests of central Africa.

Shy, swift, and elusive, the bongo lives in small groups or in pairs. It stands about 51 in. (1.3 m) at the shoulder and has an erect mane running the length of the back. Both sexes bear heavy, spirally twisted horns. The male is reddish brown to dark mahogany with black underparts, black-and-white legs, white head markings, and narrow, vertical white stripes on the body. The female is similarly marked but usually a brighter reddish brown.

Bongo (Boocercus euryceros).

Tom McHugh/Photo Researchers

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also spelled  Bungu 

      a people once extensive in the southwestern area of present-day Sudan, now found in small, scattered settlements south and east of Waw. They speak a Central Sudanic language (Central Sudanic languages) of the Nilo-Saharan language family. Because they were separated by miles of bush, the various Bongo subgroups were only loosely affiliated; this lack of cooperation was decisive in their decimation by waves of invaders from the 18th century on. Chiefs had little authority although they were consulted in important legal and social matters. The Bongo now live along roads, subsist largely on the cultivation of sorghum, eleusine (finger millet), sesame, and tobacco, and raise chickens and a few sheep and goats. Famed as hunters, they spend each dry season hunting and fishing, using poisoned arrows and spears, nets, traps, and snares. Noted also for their metalwork, the Bongo supplied neighbouring peoples with iron tools until imported iron replaced locally smelted iron ore.

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