
/bol"euhn dist/, n.
any of the editors of the Acta Sanctorum.
[1745-55; after Jean de BOLLAND; see -IST]

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Belgian Jesuit group
      member of a small group of Belgian Jesuits who edit and publish the Acta Sanctorum, the great collection of biographies and legends of the saints, arranged according to their feast days. The idea was conceived by Heribert Rosweyde, a Jesuit who intended to publish, from early manuscripts, 18 volumes of lives of the saints with notes attached. After Rosweyde's death in 1629, Jean Bolland (Bolland, Jean) organized a group that continued to gather material and, especially on the advice of Henschenius (Godefroid Henskens), an associate, extended the scope of the work. Publication began in Antwerp in 1643 with the two January volumes. From 1659 Daniel van Papenbroeck, perhaps the outstanding Bollandist, collaborated. This is considered the golden age of the group.

      After the suppression of the Society of Jesus in 1773, the work of the Bollandists was continued, first at Antwerp until 1778, then at Brussels, and finally at Tongerloo, north of Leuven. In 1794 the French Revolutionary armies invaded Belgium, and the work had to stop. After the reestablishment of the Society of Jesus in Belgium, the work was begun again in 1837, and activities were brought more into line with the progress of historical methods. Besides the 67 folio volumes of the Acta Sanctorum, the Bollandists publish a quarterly review, Analecta Bollandiana, established in 1882; a bulletin of recent hagiographical publications; and inventories of texts previously published.

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Universalium. 2010.

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