
/beuh lair"oh, boh-/, n., pl. boleros.
1. a lively Spanish dance in triple meter.
2. the music for this dance.
3. a jacket ending above or at the waistline, with or without collar, lapel, and sleeves, worn open in front.
[1780-90; < Sp]

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      lively Spanish dance in 3/4 time with a strongly marked rhythm. The dancers, either singly or as couples, execute brilliant and intricate steps to the rhythmic accompaniment of their castanets. Distinctive features are the paseo (“walk”), bien parado (“sudden stop”), and various beating steps (battements). An outstanding musical example is Maurice Ravel's Bolero (1928) for orchestra. The Latin-American bolero is a slow, romantic rumba danced with simple steps.

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  • Bolero — Bolero …   Deutsch Wörterbuch

  • Boléro — is a one movement orchestral piece by Maurice Ravel. Originally composed as a ballet, the piece, which premiered in 1928, is considered Ravel s most famous musical composition. Orenstein (1991), [ JlAZLiZAC… …   Wikipedia

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  • bolero — BOLERÓ, bolerouri, s.n. 1. Haină femeiască scurtă până deasupra taliei, ca un ilic. 2. Numele unui dans naţional spaniol, care se dansează cu acompaniament de chitară şi castaniete; melodie după care se execută acest dans. – Din fr. boléro, sp.… …   Dicționar Român

  • Bolero — Sm (ein rhythmischer spanischer Tanz) per. Wortschatz exot. (19. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus gleichbedeutend span. bolero, dessen weitere Herkunft unsicher ist.    Ebenso nndl. bolero, ne. bolero, nfrz. boléro, nschw. bolero, nnorw. bolero.… …   Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

  • bolero — bolero, ra (De bola). 1. adj. coloq. Que dice muchas mentiras. U. t. c. s.) 2. m. y f. Persona que ejerce o profesa el arte de bailar el bolero o cualquier otro baile nacional de España. 3. p. us. novillero (ǁ persona que hace novillos). 4. m.… …   Diccionario de la lengua española

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