
/baw hawl"/, n.
an island in the S central Philippines. 806,013; 1492 sq. mi. (3864 sq. km).

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Island (pop., 2000: 1,137,268), Philippines.

Located in the Visayan group north of Mindanao, it has an area of 1,492 sq mi (3,864 sq km). Visited by the Spanish in 1565, it remained under their rule until the late 19th century. Its character is essentially rural and its economy agricultural. The chief settlements, including Loon and Talibon, are on the coast.

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      island, Visayan group, south-central Philippines. The island, roughly oval in shape, lies between the Camotes Sea (north) and the Bohol Sea (south). Its volcanic core is mostly covered with coralline limestone. The rivers are short, and there are few good anchorages. Settlement is mainly coastal, except for a low central plateau that encircles the town of Carmen. The spectacular “chocolate hills,” or “haycock hills,” in west-central Bohol are named for their brown appearance in the dry season and their symmetrical, conical shapes. They are limestone remnants of an earlier erosion cycle, a phenomenon known to be present in only two or three other places in the world. The area has been developed for tourists.

      Bohol's character is essentially rural. Rice, corn (maize), and coconuts are the principal crops. A secondary livestock industry is centred at Ubay, on rougher terrain near the east coast. Extensive, low-grade deposits of manganese are mined in the southeast. Loon and Talibon are important towns. Area 1,492 square miles (3,865 square km). Pop. (2000) 1,139,130.

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Universalium. 2010.

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