
/bee oh"sheuhn/, adj.
1. of or pertaining to Boeotia or its inhabitants.
2. dull; obtuse; without cultural refinement.
3. a native or inhabitant of Boeotia.
4. a dull, obtuse person; Philistine.
[1590-1600; BOEOTI(A) + -AN]

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Boeotian — B[oe]*o tian, a. [L. Boeotia, Gr. ?, noted for its moist, thick atmosphere, and the dullness and stupidity of its inhabitants.] Of or pertaining to B[oe]otia; hence, stupid; dull; obtuse. n. A native of B[oe]otia; also, one who is dull and… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Boeotian — (also spelled Beotian) may refer to: * The people from Boeotia, a region of central ancient Greece * One of several sub dialects of the Aeolic Greek dialect of the Greek language, spoken by the Boeotians. * A pejorative toponym, meaning stupid,… …   Wikipedia

  • boeotian — index opaque Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • Boeotian — 1590s, ignorant, dull, from Boeotia, district around Thebes in ancient Greece (said to have been so called for its cattle pastures), whose inhabitants were characterized as proverbially dull and countrified by their neighbors, the Athenians. The… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Boeotian — [bē ō′shən] adj. 1. of or like Boeotia or its people or culture 2. like or characteristic of this people, reputed to be dull and stupid n. 1. a person born or living in Boeotia 2. a dull, stupid person …   English World dictionary

  • Boeotian — adjective of or relating to ancient Boeotia or its people or to the dialect spoken there in classical times (Freq. 1) Boeotian dialects • Pertains to noun: ↑Boeotia • Derivationally related forms: ↑Boeotia * * * I. (ˈ)bē|ōshən …   Useful english dictionary

  • Boeotian — 1. adjective /biːˈəʊʃən/ a) Pertaining to Boeotia. we will leave to thy sagacity to apply all this to the Boeotian writers, and to those authors who are their opposites. b) Stupid, foolish, dull witted. 2. noun /biːˈəʊʃən/ …   Wiktionary

  • Boeotian League — ▪ ancient Greece       league that first developed as an alliance of sovereign states in Boeotia, a district in east central Greece, about 550 BC, under the leadership of Thebes. After the defeat of the Greeks at Thermopylae, Thebes and most of… …   Universalium

  • Boeotian helmet — The Boeotian helmet was a type of helmet that was used in Classical Greece and originated in Boeotia [ Terms such as Illyrian and attic are used in archeology for convenience to denote a particular type of helmet and do not imply its origin (See… …   Wikipedia

  • Boeotian — adjective or noun see Boeotia …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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