body English

body English
a twisting of the body by a player as if to help a ball already hit, rolled, or kicked to travel in the desired direction.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • body English — ☆ body English n. [see ENGLISH, n. 6] a follow through motion of the body, as after bowling a ball, in a semi involuntary or joking effort to control the ball s movement …   English World dictionary

  • body English — {n.}, {informal} The wishful attempt to make a ball move in the right direction after it has been hit or let go, by twisting the body in the desired direction. * /He tried to help the putt fall by using body English./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • body English — {n.}, {informal} The wishful attempt to make a ball move in the right direction after it has been hit or let go, by twisting the body in the desired direction. * /He tried to help the putt fall by using body English./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • body\ English — noun informal the wishful attempt to make a ball move in the right direction after it has been hit or let go, by twisting the body in the desired direction. He tried to help the putt fall by using body English …   Словарь американских идиом

  • body English — noun N. Amer. 1》 a follow through motion after throwing a ball. [from English (in sense 2).] 2》 another term for body language …   English new terms dictionary

  • body English — noun A body motion made to coax an object already propelled go in a desired direction. For example, a nervous leaning or twisting movement while playing sports such as golf or bowling, to …   Wiktionary

  • body English — bod′y Eng lish n. spo a twisting of the body by a player as if to help a ball hit, thrown, etc., to travel in the desired direction • Etymology: 1905–10 …   From formal English to slang

  • body English — noun a motion of the body by a player as if to make an object already propelled go in the desired direction • Hypernyms: ↑motion, ↑movement, ↑move, ↑motility …   Useful english dictionary

  • body English — noun Date: 1908 bodily motions made in a usually unconscious effort to influence the progress of a propelled object (as a ball) …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • English — Englishness, n. /ing glish/ or, often, / lish/, adj. 1. of, pertaining to, or characteristic of England or its inhabitants, institutions, etc. 2. belonging or pertaining to, or spoken or written in, the English language. n. 3. the people of… …   Universalium

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