Block Island

Block Island
an island off the coast of and a part of Rhode Island, at the E entrance to Long Island Sound.

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Island, Rhode Island, U.S. It lies at the eastern entrance to Long Island Sound, 9 mi (15 km) southwest of Point Judith, R.I. It has an area of about 11 sq mi (29 sq km) and is coextensive with the town of New Shoreham (pop., 2000: 1,010).

Called Manisses by its original Indian inhabitants, Block Island (named for the Dutch explorer Adriaen Block) received its first European settlers in 1661 and was admitted to the colony of Rhode Island in 1664. Once dependent on fishing and farming, it is now primarily a resort.

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      pear-shaped island coextensive with the town (township) of New Shoreham (inc. 1672), Washington county, southern Rhode Island, U.S., between Block Island Sound and the Atlantic Ocean. Lying about 9 miles (14 km) south of the mainland, it is about 6 miles (10 km) long and 3.5 miles (5.5 km) wide and has a land area of 10 square miles (25 square km). Originally called Manisses (“Manitou's Little Island”) by Narragansett (Narraganset) Indians, the island was sighted by the Italian navigator Giovanni da Verrazzano (Verrazzano, Giovanni da) in 1524 and later named for Dutch explorer Adriaen Block, who visited there in 1614. Settlers from Massachusetts arrived in 1661, and Block Island was admitted to the colony of Rhode Island three years later.

      The economy, once dependent on fishing and farming, is now based mainly on resort activities. The Mohegan Bluffs, spectacular clay cliffs (185 feet [56 metres] high), are on the southern shore. A large area on the island has been set aside as a nature reserve. The Old Harbor (eastern side) was formed in 1873 with the construction of a breakwater; the New Harbor (western side) was formed (1896) by building a channel from Block Island Sound to Great Salt Pond. Old Harbor, with Victorian-style buildings along its waterfront street, has become the island's main settlement; ferries from the mainland dock there. Year-round ferry service is provided from Point Judith, and seasonal service is available from Providence-Newport; New London, Connecticut; and Montauk, New York. The island also has an airport. New Harbor is the centre of pleasure boating on the island. Block Island Race Week is an annual yachting event. Pop. (2000) 1,010; (2006 est.) 1,033.

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