blister beetle

blister beetle
any of various beetles of the family Meloidae, many of which produce a secretion capable of blistering the skin.

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Any of approximately 2,000 species of beetles (family Meloidae) that secrete an irritating substance, cantharidin, which is used medically as a topical skin irritant to remove warts.

In the past, cantharidin was often used to induce blisters, a common remedy for many ailments, and the dried remains of Spanish fly (Lytta vesicatoria) were a major ingredient in so-called love potions. Adult blister beetles, which are often brightly coloured, range between 0.1 and 0.8 in. (320 mm) in length. Blister beetles are both helpful and harmful to humans; the larvae eat grasshopper eggs, but the adults destroy crops.

Blister beetle (Lytta magister).

Photo Research International

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 any of approximately 2,500 species of beetles (insect order Coleoptera) that secrete an irritating substance, cantharidin, which is collected mainly from Mylabris and the European species Lytta vesicatoria, commonly called Spanish fly. Cantharidin is used medically as a topical skin irritant to remove warts. In the past, when inducing blisters was a common remedy for many ailments, cantharidin was commonly used for this purpose. It was also a major ingredient in so-called love potions. Blister beetles are both helpful and harmful to humans. The larvae eat grasshopper eggs, and, if abundant, adults can destroy crops.

      Adult blister beetles are often brightly coloured, the need for camouflage being eliminated by their ability to secrete cantharidin. They range between 3 and 20 mm (0.1 to 0.8 inch) in length, with the majority between 10 and 15 mm (0.4 and 0.6 inch). Their long, slender, leathery bodies are covered by metallic green or blue wing covers, often marked with bands or stripes.

      The female lays between 3,000 and 4,000 eggs; only a few of the young survive, however, because of their complicated and haphazard life history (hypermetamorphosis). The female of Sitaris muralis deposits masses of eggs near solitary bees' nests. The larvae hatch from the eggs and remain dormant throughout the winter. In the spring tiny active forms (triungulins), sometimes known as bee lice, attach themselves to a bee. They feed on eggs and stored food in the bee nest as they pass through several more developmental stages, changing from a larva to a legless grub. When the pupal stage is complete, the newly emerged adult drops to the ground and begins feeding on cultivated plants.

      The female of some blister beetles (e.g., Epicauta vittata) deposits masses of eggs either on or in the ground. The triungulin feeds on grasshopper eggs, undergoes a series of molts (periodic shedding of skin), and spends the winter in a pupallike stage. After passing through several more larval stages and a true pupal stage, the adult blister beetle emerges.

      The members of the subfamily Meloinae are sometimes known as oil beetles. They do not have hindwings as do most blister beetles, nor do their wing covers meet in the middle of the back; rather, the covers are much shorter and overlap. Oil beetles secrete an oily substance that protects them from predators because of its bad taste. In some species the forcepslike antennae of the male are used to hold the female during mating. An oil beetle genus common in both Europe and North America is Meloe.

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Universalium. 2010.

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