black flag

black flag
1. a pirate flag, usually of black cloth with a white skull and crossbones on it; Jolly Roger.
2. a flag having two yellow and two black squares, signifying the letter L in the International Code of Signals: formerly so called when used by itself to indicate the presence of cholera on board a vessel.
3. a signal given to an automobile racing driver to stop, usually because the car may have a dangerous problem that requires inspection. Also called blackjack (for defs. 1, 2).

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American rock group
      American band whose extensive touring and prolific recording helped to popularize hardcore punk, the genre that arose in California in the early 1980s in response to the punk movement of the 1970s. The original members were Greg Ginn (b. June 8, 1954), Chuck Dukowski (b. Feb. 1, 1954), Keith Morris, and Brian Migdol. Later members included Henry Rollins (original name Henry Garfield; b. Feb. 13, 1961, Washington, D.C., U.S.), Chavo Pederast, Dez Cadena, Kira Roessler, and Anthony Martinez.

      Founded in 1977 in Los Angeles, Black Flag focused on themes such as boredom and the banality of suburban life and accelerated punk's blistering tempo to an even more breakneck pace, helping to establish many of the conventions of hardcore. Appealing to a largely white male audience that madeslam dancing” (the purposeful collision of bodies) in themosh pit” (the clump of audience members in front of the bandstand) a ritual at live performances, Black Flag brought a fury and aggression to its music and performance seldom equaled by other hardcore bands. After settling on Rollins as its vocalist, the band released Damaged (1981)—a classic of hardcore punkon SST Records, the label founded by Ginn and Dukowski that went on to become one of the most respected alternative rock labels of the 1980s. Later recordings flirted with heavy metal, and the band also provided musical accompaniment to Rollins's poetry before breaking up in 1986.

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  • Black Flag — Bla …   Википедия

  • Black Flag — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Black Flag Información personal Origen …   Wikipedia Español

  • Black Flag — may refer to:*A flag which is black: see list of black flags *Black flag, an international anarchist symbol. *iran golden flags, an international anarchist symbol. *Black Flag (newspaper), an anarchist newspaper *Black Flag (insecticide), a brand …   Wikipedia

  • black-flag — black flagˈ transitive verb To call in a driver by waving the black flag • • • Main Entry: ↑black * * * black flag, 1. the pirate s flag; Jolly Roger; blackjack. It usually had a white skull and crossbones on it. 2. a flag of black cloth hoisted… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Black flag — Black Black (bl[a^]k), a. [OE. blak, AS. bl[ae]c; akin to Icel. blakkr dark, swarthy, Sw. bl[ a]ck ink, Dan. bl[ae]k, OHG. blach, LG. & D. blaken to burn with a black smoke. Not akin to AS. bl[=a]c, E. bleak pallid. [root]98.] 1. Destitute of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Black Flag — est un groupe de punk hardcore originaire de Hermosa Beach (Californie, États Unis). Il est parmi les premiers à conjuguer le punk Do It Yourself avec le hardcore. Le son hybride qui en résulte rallie de nombreux fans de métal au début des années …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Black flag — Flag Flag, n. [Cf. LG. & G. flagge, Sw. flagg, Dan. flag, D. vlag. See {Flag} to hang loose.] 1. That which flags or hangs down loosely. [1913 Webster] 2. A cloth usually bearing a device or devices and used to indicate nationality, party, etc.,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • black-flag — (blăkʹflăg ) tr.v. Sports black ·flagged, black ·flag·ging, black ·flags To signal (the driver of a racing car) to proceed immediately to the pits. * * * …   Universalium

  • black flag — n. 1. a flag that is all or mostly black, esp. such a flag flown by a pirate ship: cf. JOLLY ROGER 2. in auto racing, a signal to a driver during a race, made by waving a solid black flag, indicating that the driver must stop and consult an… …   English World dictionary

  • Black Flag — Black Flag …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Black Flag — era una banda de punk rock fundado en el año 1976 en California del sur. La banda fue fundada principalmente por el compositor, guitarrista, y el único miembro original Greg Ginn. El nombre de la banda, bandera negra, se trata del símbolo de… …   Enciclopedia Universal

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