black bass

black bass
any freshwater American game fish of the genus Micropterus. Cf. largemouth bass, smallmouth bass.

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Any of about six species (genus Micropterus) of slender freshwater fishes of the sunfish family; found in eastern North America.

Two, the largemouth and smallmouth black basses, have been introduced into other countries and are prized as hard-fighting game fishes. Black basses are larger and longer-bodied than sunfishes and more predatory. The largemouth bass may grow to 32 in. (80 cm) long and weigh 22 lbs (10 kg); it lives in quiet weedy lakes and streams. The smallmouth bass, which usually grows to 56 lbs (23 kg), inhabits clear, cool lakes and running streams.

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 any of about six species of elongated freshwater fishes that constitute the genus Micropterus of the sunfish family, Centrarchidae (order Perciformes). Black basses are found in eastern North America. Two of them, the largemouth (see photograph—>) and smallmouth black basses (M. salmoides and M. dolomieui), have been introduced in other countries and are prized by fishermen as hard-fighting game fishes.

      The black basses, like the sunfishes, have the spiny and soft-rayed portions of the dorsal fin joined as a single fin. They are, however, larger and longer-bodied than the sunfishes, duller in colour, and more predatory in habit.

      The largemouth bass, growing to a maximum length and weight of about 80 cm (31.5 inches) and 10 kg (22 pounds), is characteristically an inhabitant of quiet, weedy lakes and streams. It can be distinguished from the smallmouth by the deep cleft in its dorsal fin and by its relatively larger mouth, with the upper jawbone extending beyond the eye. It varies in colour from green to blackish and is marked with a dark, horizontal stripe. Like other black basses, it feeds mainly on smaller fishes.

      The smallmouth black bass is typically a fish of clear, cool lakes and running streams. It varies from green to brownish and is generally mottled with a darker colour. It usually grows to 23 kg (4.56.5 pounds) but can attain a length and weight of about 70 cm (27.5 inches) and 5.5 kg (12 pounds).

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