
/bee oh"koh/, n.
an island in the Bight of Biafra, near the W coast of Africa: a province of Equatorial Guinea. 80,000; ab. 800 sq. mi. (2072 sq. km). Formerly, Fernando Po, Macías Nguema Biyogo.

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Island (pop., 1987 est.: 67,920), Bight of Biafra, West Africa.

It lies 100 mi (160 km) northwest of continental Equatorial Guinea, of which it is a part. Bioko became the official name in 1979. Volcanic in origin, with an area of 779 sq mi (2,018 sq km), it rises sharply from the sea; its highest point is Santa Isabel Peak, at 9,869 ft (3,008 m). Malabo, the country's capital, is located on Bioko. The island was visited by the Portuguese explorer Fernão , probably in 1472. Though the island was claimed by Spain after 1778, the first attempt at firm Spanish control came only in 1858. The original inhabitants, the Bubi, are descendants of Bantu-speaking migrants from the mainland. Many Fang have flocked to the island from the continent.

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island and province, Equatorial Guinea
also called  Fernando Po, or Fernando Póo,  formerly  (197379) Macias Nguema Biyogo,  

      island in the Bight of Biafra (Gulf of Guinea), lying about 60 miles (100 km) off the coast of southern Nigeria and 100 miles (160 km) northwest of continental Equatorial Guinea, western Africa. The island was named after the first president of the country in 1973, but Bioko became the local official name after he was deposed in 1979. Volcanic in origin, it is parallelogram-shaped with a northsouth axis, embracing 779 square miles (2,017 square km), and rises sharply from the sea with its highest point being Santa Isabel Peak (9,869 feet [3,008 m]). Malabo, the republic's capital and chief port, stands near a crater breached by the sea.

      The island was first sighted by the Portuguese explorer Fernão do , probably in 1472, and was originally named Formosa (“Beautiful”). It was claimed by Spain after 1778, although the first attempt at firm Spanish control came only in 1858. For a short time (182734) Britain used the island as an antislavery base.

      The original inhabitants, the Bubi, are descendants of Bantu-speaking migrants from the mainland. The so-called Fernandinos are of a later origin, being descendants of liberated slaves, mixed with settlers from former British West Africa. Both these groups have declined in status, as the Fang, who have flocked to the island from continental Equatorial Guinea, came to occupy most of the civil service posts. There was formerly a large transient population of contract plantation workers from Nigeria; most of these returned to Nigeria, however, following repressive acts by the government of Equatorial Guinea in the mid-1970s.

      Bioko was one of the first African territories to grow cocoa. Timber and coffee are other important products. The discovery and development of the country's oil reserves in the 1980s and '90s led to an increase in business and development on the island. Pop. (2001) 260,462.

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Universalium. 2010.

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