- biogenetics
/buy'oh jeuh net"iks/, n. (used with a sing. v.)See genetic engineering.[BIO- + GENETICS]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
biogenetics — noun genetic engineering See Also: biogenetic … Wiktionary
biogenetics — bi•o•ge•net•ics [[t]ˌbaɪ oʊ dʒəˈnɛt ɪks[/t]] n. (used with a sing. v.) biochem. genetic engineering bi o•ge•net′ic, adj. bi o•ge•net′i•cist, n … From formal English to slang
biogenetics — biogenetic, adj. biogeneticist, n. /buy oh jeuh net iks/, n. (used with a sing. v.) See genetic engineering. [BIO + GENETICS] … Useful english dictionary
Sid Meier's Alien Crossfire — Infobox VG title = Sid Meier s Alien Crossfire developer = Firaxis Games publisher = Electronic Arts (Windows) Loki Software (Linux) Aspyr (Mac OS) distributor = designer = Timothy Train Douglas Kaufman Chris Pine Gregory Foertsch Michael Ely… … Wikipedia
Le Droit Park — Infobox nrhp name = LeDroit Park Historic District nrhp type =hd caption = location =Bounded roughly by Florida and Rhode Island Aves., 2nd and Elm Sts., Howard University nearest city = lat degrees = 38 lat minutes = 55 lat seconds = 8.5872 lat… … Wikipedia
deme — demic /dem ik, dee mik/, adj. /deem/, n. 1. one of the administrative divisions of ancient Attica and of modern Greece. 2. Biol. a local population of organisms of the same kind, esp. one in which the genetic mix is similar throughout the group.… … Universalium
Recapitulation theory — The theory of recapitulation, also called the biogenetic law or embryological parallelism and often expressed as ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny is a disproven hypothesis that in developing from embryo to adult, animals go through stages… … Wikipedia
Gen¹³ — Superteambox imagesize= caption = Gen¹³ vol. 4, #1 (2006) cover by Talent Caldwell team name=Gen¹³ publisher=Wildstorm debut = Deathmate Black (1994) creators =Jim Lee, Brandon Choi base= La Jolla, California members=Caitlin Fairchild Grunge… … Wikipedia
Champlain Valley Union High School — Champlain Valley Union High School … Wikipedia
Eves — Xfiles character name=Eves affiliation=Whiting Institute first=Eve last=The End (picture) portrayer=Erika and Sabrina Krievins (young), Harriet Harris (adult)Eves are fictional characters who appear in The X Files first season episode Eve .… … Wikipedia