binomial distribution

binomial distribution
a distribution giving the probability of obtaining a specified number of successes in a finite set of independent trials in which the probability of a success remains the same from trial to trial. Also called Bernoulli distribution.

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      in statistics, a common distribution function for discrete processes in which a fixed probability prevails for each independently generated value.

      First studied in connection with games of pure chance, the binomial distribution is now widely used to analyze data in virtually every field of human inquiry. It applies to any fixed number (n) of repetitions of an independent process that produces a certain outcome with the same probability (p) on each repetition. For example, it provides a formula for the probability of obtaining 10 sixes in 50 rolls of a die. Swiss mathematician Jakob Bernoulli (Bernoulli, Jakob), in a proof published posthumously in 1713, determined that the probability of k such outcomes in n repetitions is equal to the kth term (where k starts with 0) in the expansion of the binomial expression (p + q)n, where q = 1  p. (Hence the name binomial distribution.) In the example of the die, the probability of turning up any number on each roll is 1 out of 6 (the number of faces on the die). The probability of turning up 10 sixes in 50 rolls, then, is equal to the 10th term (starting with the 0th term) in the expansion of (5/61/6)50, or 0.115586. For further mathematical detail, including an explicit formula for the kth term of a binomial expansion, see binomial theorem.

      In 1936 the British statistician Ronald Fisher (Fisher, Sir Ronald Aylmer) used the binomial distribution to publish evidence of possible scientific chicaneryin the famous experiments on pea genetics reported by the Austrian botanist Gregor Mendel (Mendel, Gregor) in 1866. Fisher observed that Mendel's laws of inheritance would dictate that the number of yellow peas in one of Mendel's experiments would have a binomial distribution with n = 8,023 and p = 3/4, for an average of np  6,017 yellow peas. Fisher found remarkable agreement between this number and Mendel's data, which showed 6,022 yellow peas out of 8,023. One would expect the number to be close, but a figure that close should occur only 1 in 10 times. Fisher found, moreover, that all seven results in Mendel's pea experiments were extremely close to the expected valueseven in one instance where Mendel's calculations contained a minor error. Fisher's analysis sparked a lengthy controversy that remains unresolved to this day.

Richard Routledge

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Universalium. 2010.

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