
/buyn"deuhr/, n.
1. a person or thing that binds.
2. a detachable cover, resembling the cover of a notebook or book, with clasps or rings for holding loose papers together: a three-ring binder.
3. a person who binds books; a bookbinder.
4. Insurance. an agreement by which property or liability coverage is granted pending issuance of a policy.
5. Agric.
a. an attachment to a harvester or reaper for binding the cut grain.
b. Also called self-binder. a machine that cuts and binds grain.
6. Chem. any substance that causes the components of a mixture to cohere.
7. Painting. a vehicle in which pigment is suspended.
8. (in powder metallurgy) a substance for holding compacted metal powder together while it is being sintered.
9. Building Trades.
a. a stone, as a perpend, for bonding masonry.
b. a girder supporting the ends of two sets of floor joists.
c. a material for holding loose material together, as in a macadamized road.
d. stirrup (def. 5).
10. Brit., Australian Slang. a large quantity, esp. of food.
[bef. 1000; ME, OE; see BIND, -ER1]

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farm machine
      machine for cutting grain and binding it into bundles, once widely used to cut small grain such as wheat. The first patent was issued on a self-tie binder in 1850. The horse-drawn twine binder, first marketed in 1880, remained the chief method of harvesting small grain during the early decades of the 20th century. The mechanical twine knotter was patented in 1892 in the United States. Along with the header, which cut off the heads of grain and elevated them into a wagon for later threshing, the binder was standard harvesting equipment in the wheat-producing areas of the United States and Canada until the grain combine was adopted in the 1930s. Binders, using twine, not wire, were still used in the late 20th century to a limited extent on small farms.

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Universalium. 2010.

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