Bimini Islands

Bimini Islands
/bim"euh nee/
a group of small islands in the W Bahamas: resort center; supposed site of the Fountain of Youth for which Ponce de León searched. 1503; 9 sq. mi. (23 sq. km). Also called Biminis.

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islands, The Bahamas
also called  Biminis 

      string of islands, northwestern Bahamas. They extend 40 miles (65 km) north to south and lie about 50 miles (80 km) east of the Florida coast of the United States and 110 miles (175 km) west of the Bahamian capital of Nassau. The main island, North Bimini, on the northern end, contains many yacht harbours and tourist beaches, as well as the chief towns: Alice Town, Bailey Town, and Paradise Point. The other nearby main island, South Bimini, is largely agricultural. Little cays to the south, including Cat Cay, contain superlative game-fishing grounds. Pop. (2000) 1,717.

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  • Bimini Islands — /bim euh nee/ a group of small islands in the W Bahamas: resort center; supposed site of the Fountain of Youth for which Ponce de León searched. 1503; 9 sq. mi. (23 sq. km). Also called Biminis …   Useful english dictionary

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