
/bil"dad/, n.
a friend of Job. Job 2:11.

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biblical figure
also spelled  Baldad,  

      in the Old Testament, one of the three principal comforters of Job. Bildad is introduced (Job 2:11) as a Shuhite, probably a member of a nomadic tribe dwelling in southeastern Palestine.

      Bildad's arguments with Job reveal him to be a sage who looks to the authority of tradition. His wounded orthodoxy provokes the lack of courtesy in his initial reply. In his first speech (chapter 8), he begins abruptly by asking Job how long he will make speeches full of wind. He then implies that Job's children died deservedly because of transgressions. He states that the wisdom of the patriarchs teaches that wicked men will perish as surely as reeds without water, but that it is not too late for Job to repent and be returned to God's favour.

      In his second speech, Bildad, rankled by Job's denunciation of the three comforters as being more stupid than beasts, compares Job to a beast in his angry tearing of himself. He then describes the terrifying fate of the wicked man, who, although he may enjoy what appear to be happiness and prosperity for a time, must in the end facethe king of terrors.” His memory will vanish from the earth and he will have neitheroffspring or descendant.”

      In his third speech, which some scholars believe to be an edited fragment of the original one (possibly parts of the original were given to Job to soften the force of his heresies), Bildad does not answer Job directly but instead praises the transcendence of God, before whom man is infinitely imperfect, “a maggot, and the son of man, who is a worm.”

      In Job 42:7 God reprimands Bildad and the two other comforters for not having spoken rightly of him and requires them to make a sacrifice to appease his anger.

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