
/berddkh"teuhs gahd'n/, n.
a town in the SE extremity of Bavaria, in SE Germany: site of the fortified mountain chalet of Adolf Hitler. 39,800.

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Town (pop., 1992 est.: 8,000), southern Germany.

Located in the Bavarian Alps south of Salzburg, it is surrounded on three sides by Austrian territory. Once part of Austria, it passed to Bavaria in the early 19th century. It was the site of Adolf Hitler's villa retreat before and during World War II. In 1938 he met there with Neville Chamberlain. Destroyed by bombing in 1945, the villa was leveled in 1952. Mountain climbing and skiing make the area a popular destination.

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      town, Bavaria Land (state), southern Germany. It is situated on the Berchtesgaden Stream in a deep valley surrounded on three sides by Austrian territory, just north of Berchtesgaden National Park. The opening of its salt mines in the 12th century was the beginning of many centuries of bitter rivalry with Salzburg and Hallein. From 1300 the town was ruled by the provosts of its Augustinian abbey (founded c. 1102), who became princes of the Holy Roman Empire in 1491. The town was occupied by Austrian troops in 1704 and was annexed to Austria in 1805. Following a brief period of French rule (180910), it passed to the Bavarian kingdom. The town became a major resort and recreational centre during the Allied occupation after World War II.

      On the Obersalzberg, 1,640 feet (500 metres) above the town (linked by a cable railway), were the chalets of Adolf Hitler (Hitler, Adolf), Hermann Göring, Martin Bormann, and other Nazi leaders, with air-raid shelters, barracks, and various installations. Hitler's chalet, the Berghof, became quite prominent in the years before World War II. In a conference there in February 1938, Hitler compelled Chancellor Kurt von Schuschnigg to accept the German domination of Austria. In mid-September, Hitler met the British prime minister, Neville Chamberlain, at the chalet for their first face-to-face discussion of his demands on Czechoslovakia. The Berghof was destroyed in an Allied air attack in April 1945, and its ruins were leveled in 1952 and trees planted on the site. An elevator cut in solid rock connects with Hitler's private retreat on top of the mountain, theEagle's Nest,” which is now a teahouse.

      Berchtesgaden's economic mainstay is the tourist trade, which is based on the scenic locale (including the Königssee, a picturesque Alpine lake to the south), mountain-climbing and skiing facilities, and saline baths. Medieval landmarks include the abbey church, on the site of the 12th-century basilica, and the castle, which was originally the residence of the provosts and later the summer residence of the Bavarian kings (it now houses a museum). Pop. (1999 est.) 7,660.

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