- belly
—bellylike, adj.n.1. the front or under part of a vertebrate body from the breastbone to the pelvis, containing the abdominal viscera; the abdomen.2. the stomach with its adjuncts.3. appetite or capacity for food; gluttony.4. the womb.5. the inside or interior of anything: the belly of a ship.6. a protuberant or bulging surface of anything: the belly of a flask.7. Anat. the fleshy part of a muscle.8. the front, inner, or under surface or part, as distinguished from the back.9. the front surface of a violin or similar instrument.10. a bulge on a vertical surface of fresh concrete.11. the underpart of the fuselage of an airplane.v.t.12. to fill out; swell: Wind bellied the sails.v.i.13. to swell out: Sails bellying in the wind.14. to crawl on one's belly: soldiers bellying through a rice paddy.a. to approach closely, esp. until one is in physical contact: to belly up to a bar.b. to curry favor from: Would you have gotten the promotion if you hadn't bellied up to the boss?16. go or turn belly up, Informal. to come to an end; die; fail: After years of barely surviving on donations, the neighborhood social club finally went belly up.[bef. 950; ME bely, OE belig, belg bag, skin; c. G Balg, Goth balgs, ON belgr sack; akin to Welsh bol(a), boly, Ir bolg sack, belly, bellows, Serbo-Croatian blàzina, Latvian pabàlsts, Avestan baraziš-, Pers balish cushion]
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Universalium. 2010.