bel canto

bel canto
/bel' kan"toh, -kahn"-/; It. /bel kahn"taw/, Music.
a smooth, cantabile style of singing.
[1890-95; < It: lit., fine singing, equiv. to bel (c. BEAU) + canto (see CANTO)]

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Italianbeautiful singing

      style of operatic singing that originated in Italian singing of polyphonic (multipart) music and Italian courtly solo singing during the late 16th century and that was developed in Italian opera in the 17th, 18th, and early 19th centuries. Using a relatively small dynamic range, bel canto singing was based on an exact control of the intensity of vocal tone, a recognition of the distinction between thediapason tone” (produced when the larynx is in a relatively low position) and theflute tone” (when the larynx is in a higher position), and a demand for vocal agility and clear articulation of notes and enunciation of words.

      Among the masters of bel canto in the 18th and 19th centuries were the male soprano Farinelli, the tenor Manuel del Popolo García (García, Manuel del Popolo), his daughter, the dramatic soprano Maria Malibran (Malibran, Maria), and the soprano Jenny Lind (Lind, Jenny). The technique of bel canto had nearly died out by the turn of the 20th century, as the trends in opera encouraged heavier and more dramatic singing. The late 20th century saw a revival of a number of operas for which the style was appropriateespecially those of Vincenzo Bellini (Bellini, Vincenzo) and Gaetano Donizetti (Donizetti, Gaetano).

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