
/bi gohn"yeuh, -goh"nee euh/, n.
any tropical plant belonging to the genus Begonia, including species cultivated for the handsome, succulent leaves and waxy flowers.
[ < NL (Linnaeus), named after Michel Bégon (1638-1710), French patron of science; see -IA]

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Any of about 1,000 species (genus Begonia) of mostly succulent, tropical or subtropical plants, many with colourful flowers or leaves and used as potted plants indoors or as garden plants.

Begonias come in a bewildering array of cultivated varieties. The wax begonia (B. semperflorens) is the most popular for use as a summer bedding plant; angelwing begonias are characterized by their tall stems; hairy begonias have feltlike leaves. Most begonias are tender and intolerant of dry conditions; they require protection from strong sunlight.

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 (genus Begonia, family Begoniaceae), any of about 1,000 species of mostly rather succulent plants, many with colourful flowers or leaves and used as pot plants indoors or as garden plants. They are from the tropics and subtropics. Prominent features are their usually four-coloured tepals (petals and sepals together) in two pairs of different sizes and the three wings on the ovaries of the female flowers. Flower colours are pink, red, yellow, or white, with the ovary below of the same colour. The usually lopsided, alternate leaves are variable in shape and in colour on different forms.

      The more than 10,000 recorded cultivated varieties of begoniasmostly of hybrid originpresent a bewildering array of forms. Most varieties are included in one of three large groups: fibrous-rooted, rhizomatous, or tuberous-rooted.

      Fibrous-rooted begonias can be further divided into the wax, or bedding, begonias (Semperflorens-Cultorum group), including the offshoots of B. semperflorens used most often as summer bedding plants; the so-called cane stem types (angelwing begonias), characterized by their tall stems; and the hairy begonias, which have feltlike leaves.

      Rhizomatous begonias include the rex, or beefsteak, begonias (Rex-Cultorum group), including offshoots of B. rex and allied species, prized for their brightly coloured and patterned leaves.

      Tuberous-rooted begonias include the Tuberhybrida group, grown outdoors for their large and colourful flowers from early summer to first frost, and the greenhouse begonias that bloom during the winter. The latter are subdivided into the Cheimantha group, derived from crosses between B. socotrana and B. dregei, and the Elatior group, derived from crosses between B. socotrana and tuberous Andean species.

      The Tuberhybrida group includes the following types based on flower characteristics or growth habit: single (single-flowered); crispa, with frilled tepals; cristata, with crested tepals; narcissiflora (daffodil-flowered); camellia (camellia-flowered); ruffled camellia; rosebud, with a raised rosebudlike centre; fimbriata plena (carnation-flowered); picotee, camellia-form with tepals showing colour shading; marginata, tepals edged in colour different from the dominant; marmorata, camellia-form, rose-coloured, and blotched with white; pendula, hanging-basket plants; and multiflora, compact bushy plants with many small flowers.

      Most begonias are tender plants, intolerant of dry conditions and requiring protection from strong sunlight.

      The genus was named for Michel Bégon (16381710), governor of Santo Domingo and a patron of botany.

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