
/bath shee"beuh, bath"sheuh-/, n.
1. the wife of Uriah and afterward of David: mother of Solomon. II Sam. 11, 12.
2. a female given name: from a Hebrew phrase meaning "daughter of the oath."

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biblical figure
also spelled  Bethsabee,  

      in the Old Testament (2 Samuel 11, 12; 1 Kings 1, 2), wife of Uriah the Hittite; she later became one of the wives of King David and the mother of King Solomon.

      Bathsheba was a daughter of Eliam and was probably of noble birth. A beautiful woman, she was seduced by David and became pregnant. David then had Uriah killed and married her. Their first child died, but Bathsheba later gave birth to Solomon. When David was dying, Bathsheba successfully conspired with the prophet Nathan to block Adonijah's succession to the throne and to win it for Solomon. Strong-willed and fearless, she occupied an influential position as the queen mother.

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  • BATHSHEBA — Uxor Uriae, postea Davidis et mater Solomonis, Sulp. Severus, l. 1. c. 66. Qua tempestare Bersaben quandam, mirae feminam pulehritudinis, stuprô compertam habun. Haec viri cuiusdam uxor, qui tum in castris erat, fuisse traditur. Ubi secutus… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Bathsheba — f Biblical name, meaning ‘daughter of the oath’ in Hebrew. This was the name of the woman who became the wife of King David, after he had disposed of her husband Uriah, and mother of King Solomon (2 Samuel 11–12). It was popular with the Puritans …   First names dictionary

  • Bathsheba — Biblical wife of King David, mother of Solomon, from Heb. Bathshebha, lit. daughter of the oath, from bath daughter …   Etymology dictionary

  • Bathsheba — [bath shē′bə, bath′shi bə] n. [Heb batsheva, lit., daughter of Sheba, daughter of the oath] Bible the mother of Solomon by King David, whom she married after he had sent her first husband, Uriah, to death in battle: 2 Sam. 11 …   English World dictionary

  • Bathsheba — According to the Hebrew Bible, Bathsheba (). Her father is identified by some scholars with Eliam mentioned in she is indirectly mentioned as an ancestor of Jesus. In Qur an and Islamic tradition The only passage in the Qur an connected to the… …   Wikipedia

  • Bathsheba — noun a) The wife of Uriah and later of David. 3 And David sent and enquired after the woman. And one said, Is not this Bathsheba, the daughter of Eliam, the wife of Uriah the Hittite? b) of biblical origin. I was kinda sweet on her my own self.… …   Wiktionary

  • Bathsheba — En el Viejo Testamento Bathsheba ( la séptima hija o la hija del juramento ), la hija de Ammiel, fue la esposa de Uriah el Hitita y luego del Rey David. Ella es la madre del Rey Salomón. En 1 Crónicas 3:5 es llamada Bath shua. 2 Samuel 11:1 a… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Bathsheba — The wife of Uriah the Hittite, she was observed bathing by David and much desired, and seduced. So he arranged for Uriah to be killed in battle and married Bathsheba (2 Sam. 11:27). Nathan the prophet rebuked David. Bathsheba gave birth to… …   Dictionary of the Bible

  • Bathsheba — Original name in latin Bathsheba Name in other language Bathsheba State code BB Continent/City America/Barbados longitude 13.21667 latitude 59.51667 altitude 9999 Population 1765 Date 2013 05 05 …   Cities with a population over 1000 database

  • Bathsheba — (fl. 11th 10th cent BCE)    Israelite woman, wife first of Uriah, then of David. When David, from his rooftop, saw her bathing, he had Uriah her husband killed in battle by placing him in the front lines. Bathsheba was the mother of Solomon (II… …   Dictionary of Jewish Biography

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