basset horn

basset horn
an alto horn with a soft tone.
[1825-35; < G Bassetthorn < It corno di bassetto horn of a somewhat low range. See CORN2, BASSET1]

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      clarinet pitched a fourth lower than the ordinary B♭ clarinet, probably invented in about 1770 by A. and M. Mayrhofer of Passau, Bavaria. The name derives from its basset (“small bass”) pitch and its original curved-horn shape (later supplanted by an angular form). Its bore is narrower than that of the E♭ alto clarinet, and it has a downward extension of compass to the low F of the bass voice (written as C). The boxwood instrument is usually built to order, in straight form with upturned bell.

      Though primarily a German instrument, it was known in Paris by 1774 as a contre-clarinette and in London by 1789 as a clara voce. It was employed notably by W.A. Mozart but had practically vanished by 1850. It was revived by Richard Strauss (Elektra, 1st performed 1909).

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  • basset horn — Corno di bassetto Cor no di bas*set to (k?r n? d? b?s s?t t? or b?s s?t t?); pl. {Corni di basseto}. [It.] (Mus.) A tenor clarinet; called also {basset horn}, and sometimes confounded with the English horn, which is a tenor oboe. [1913 Webster]… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • basset horn — noun an alto horn with a soft tone …   Wiktionary

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