
/bahrdd'kee see me"taw/, n.
a city in N Venezuela. 421,617.

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City (pop., 2000 est.: 875,790), northwestern Venezuela.

The capital of Lara state, it is located at the northern end of the Cordillera Mérida, at an elevation of 1,800 ft (500 m). Founded in 1552 as Nueva Segovia, it is one of the country's oldest cities. It was almost destroyed by an earthquake in 1812 and was further damaged in 19th-century civil wars. It is a hub of transport and commerce and the centre of an agricultural region.

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      city, capital of Lara estado (state), northwestern Venezuela. Situated on a wide terrace of the Turbio River at 1,856 feet (566 m) above sea level, Barquisimeto is swept by the drying trade winds but has a warm climate (mean average temperature 75° F [24° C]). One of Venezuela's oldest cities, it was founded in 1552 by the Spanish interim governor Juan de Villegas, who originally named the city Nueva Segovia, after his home in Spain. Shortly after the city's founding, gold was discovered nearby at San Felipe and Los Teques; these mines were first worked by black slaves, who revolted and were suppressed by Diego de Losada y Quiroga when they threatened Nueva Segovia sometime prior to 1569. The local Jirajira Indians also revolted at about this time but were not defeated until 1628. The city was attacked in 1561 by Lope de Aguirre (Aguirre, Lope de), but the attack failed when Aguirre's men accepted royal pardons, abandoning him and his daughter, both of whom died in the aftermath. Aguirre's name survives in the local Tirano Aguirre, an ignis fatuus, or ephemeral light seen at night in the savanna surrounding the city. The city was almost destroyed by an earthquake in 1812 and was further damaged in the war of independence and, later, by the civil wars of the 19th century.

      Barquisimeto's rise among Venezuelan cities was because of its strategic position as the hub of transport and commerce between the central and western parts of Venezuela. It also serves as the centre of a large agricultural area that produces sisal, cacao, cattle, sugarcane, and coffee, as well as subsistence crops. In the 1960s it gained industrial stature, manufacturing rope and twine, food products, cement, and other items. In the centre of the city's broad streets and tall buildings stands a 230-foot (70-metre) tower built in 1952 to commemorate the city's 400th anniversary. TheLisandro AlvaradoCentral-Western University attained university status in 1968. Pop. (2001) 811,000.

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