barnyard — [bärn′yärd΄] n. the yard or ground near a barn, often enclosed adj. 1. of a barnyard 2. like or fit for a barnyard; earthy, smutty, etc … English World dictionary
Barnyard — Barn yard , n. A yard belonging to a barn. [1913 Webster] || … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
barnyard — (n.) 1510s, from BARN (Cf. barn) + YARD (Cf. yard) (n.1). Figurative of coarse or uncivilized behavior from 1920 … Etymology dictionary
barnyard — ► NOUN N. Amer. ▪ a farmyard … English terms dictionary
Barnyard — A barnyard (British English: farmyard) is a barn adjoined to a yard. As a combination of architecture and landscape design, the barnyard is less common now than in former times, especially since the tractor and truck have replaced the horse and… … Wikipedia
Barnyard — Seriendaten Deutscher Titel Barnyard der tierisch verrückte Bauernhof Originaltitel Back at the Barnyard … Deutsch Wikipedia
Barnyard — The Barnyard Título La granja (Argentina / Venezuela / Resto de Latinoamérica) El corral Una fiesta muy bestia (España) Ficha técnica Dirección Steve Oedekerk Producción Pam Marsden … Wikipedia Español
barnyard — mod. smutty; obscene. (Refers to the dung found in barnyards. See also barnyard language.) □ Those barnyard movies belong in the barnyard. □ You are thinking barnyard thoughts again. I see it in your eyes … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
barnyard — barn|yard1 [ barn,jard ] noun count an area on a farm where animals are kept: barnyard animals barnyard barn|yard 2 [ barn,jard ] adjective AMERICAN INFORMAL used for describing something such as humor that is unpleasant, often because it… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
barnyard — /ˈbanjad/ (say bahnyahd) noun 1. a yard next to a barn. –adjective 2. found in a barnyard. 3. appropriate to a barnyard: barnyard behaviour …