
/bahr"breuh, -beuhr euh/, n.
a female given name: from a Greek word meaning "foreign, exotic."

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(as used in expressions)
Barbara Millicent Roberts
Barbara Saint
Cartland Dame Mary Barbara Hamilton
Hepworth Dame Jocelyn Barbara
Jordan Barbara Charline
McClintock Barbara
Stanwyck Barbara
Barbara Joan Streisand
Tuchman Barbara
Barbara Wertheim
Walters Barbara
Ward Barbara Mary Baroness Jackson of Lodsworth
Orczy Emmuska Magdalena Rosalia Marie Josepha Barbara Baroness

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      French singer and composer who specialized in singing the songs of Jacques Brel and Georges Brassens in Belgium before she found stardom in France singing many of her own compositions, notably "L'Aigle noir" ("Black Eagle"), "Ma plus belle histoire d'amour, c'est vous" ("You Are My Most Beautiful Love Story"), and "Il pleut sur Nantes" ("It's Raining in Nantes"); her melancholy songs, although poetic, defied translation and made her a celebrity mainly in French-speaking countries. She was also an ardent AIDS activist, dispensing condoms at her series of Paris concerts in 1987, 1990, and 1993 (b. June 9, 1930d. Nov. 24, 1997).

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Universalium. 2010.

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