
/bar"euh/, n.
Theda /thee"deuh/, (Theodosia Goodman), 1890-1955, U.S. actress.

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also called  Ibara  

      Malagasy people who live in south-central Madagascar and speak a dialect of Malagasy, a West Austronesian language.

      Traditionally the Bara lived in a great many independent groups based on lineage identity. Five main kinship groups exist, and formerly the Bara had two kingdoms, one of which survived until it was disbanded by the French. The Bara were never conquered by or assimilated into the central Merina kingdom, and when the French occupied Madagascar in 1895, they had difficulty uniting the Bara into administrative entities.

      Chiefs of Bara clans are of Indian ancestry and were related to the nobles of the Sakalava and Betsileo peoples. Like most Malagasy, Bara were traditionally socially stratified into three tiers, but the French dissolved the oldfeudalorganization, and little of it exists in modern Madagascar.

      The Bara are primarily seminomadic cattle herders in the savanna country of their native Tulear and Fianarantsoa provinces. They have begun settled agricultural practices, however, growing rice, cassava, millet, and corn (maize).

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