
Babelic /bay bel"ik, ba-/, adj.
/bay"beuhl, bab"euhl/, n.
1. an ancient city in the land of Shinar in which the building of a tower (Tower of Babel) intended to reach heaven was begun and the confusion of the language of the people took place. Gen. 11:4-9.
2. (usually l.c.) a confused mixture of sounds or voices.
3. (usually l.c.) a scene of noise and confusion.
[ < Heb Babhel Babylon]
Syn. 3. tumult, turmoil, uproar, bedlam, clamor.
/bab"euhl/; Russ. /bah"byil/, n.
Isaak Emmanuilovich /uy"zeuhk/; Russ. /ee sahk" yi meuh nooh yee"leuh vyich/, 1894-1941, Russian author.

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