
/az'euh ruy"euh/, n.
Uzziah. II Kings 15:1-7.

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  • AZARIAH — (early fourth century C.E.), Palestinian amora. He is believed to have been the pupil of R. Mana , in whose name he transmitted halakhot (e.g., TJ, Shab. 7:1, 9b). Some scholars have identified him with the amora Ezra, but erroneously, since they …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Azariah — Azariah, meaning Yah [ s] help [ed] in Hebrew, is the name of several people in the Hebrew Bible and Jewish history, including:*Abednego, the new name given to an Azariah who is the companion of Daniel, Hananiah, and Mishael in the Book of Daniel …   Wikipedia

  • AZARIAH — (end of the first century C.E.), one of the first generation of tannaim after the destruction of the Second Temple. His son was the tanna eleazar b. azariah (Yev. 16a). An affluent merchant, Azariah supported his brother Simeon, also a tanna, so… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Azariah dei Rossi — Azariah ben Moses dei Rossi (Hebrew: עזריה מן האדומים) was an Italian Jewish physician and scholar. He was born at Mantua in 1513 or 1514; and died in 1578. He was descended from an old Jewish family which, according to a tradition, was brought… …   Wikipedia

  • Azariah Southworth — was the creator, host, and producer of The Remix , a syndicated Christian reality show on the NRB, TBN, JCTV, and VTN networks.cite web| last=| first=| title= The Remix TV Gives Back in the Bahamas | work=||… …   Wikipedia

  • Azariah Boody — (April 21, 1815 November 18, 1885) was a Whig member of the United States House of Representatives, a railroad investor, and a trustee of the University of Rochester. He was born in Stanstead County, Quebec. He was married to Ambia Corson Boody… …   Wikipedia

  • AZARIAH BEN SOLOMON — (late 10th–early 11th centuries), exilarch in Babylonia after 953. Azariah s father, Solomon, was the son of Josiah (Ḥasan) but nevertheless supported by saadiah Gaon against Josiah s brother david b. zakkai . From documents of the Cairo Genizah …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Azariah Cutting Flagg — (November 28, 1790 Orwell, Addison County, Vermont November 24, 1873 New York City) was an American newspaper editor and politician.LifeHe was the son of Ebenezer Flagg (1756 1828) and Elizabeth Cutting Flagg (d. 1838). He fought in the War of… …   Wikipedia

  • Azariah, Vedanayagam Samuel — (1874 1945)    first Indian Anglican bishop    vedanayagam samuel Azariah was born in vel lalavilai in southern India on August 17, 1874, the son of an Anglican pastor. Azariah was educated at Madras university and Madras Christian College. He… …   Encyclopedia of Protestantism

  • Azariah, The Prayer of — ▪ apocryphal literature       apocryphal insertion into The Book of Daniel in the Greek (Septuagint) Bible and subsequently included in the Latin (Vulgate) Bible and the Roman Catholic biblical canon.       The Prayer of Azariah and the… …   Universalium

  • Azariah, Vednayakam Samuel — (1874–1945)    Missionary and Bishop.    Azariah was born in Vellalanvillai near Madras, India. His father was a convert to Christianity from Hinduism. From an early age Azariah became involved in missions, forming the Indian Missionary Society… …   Who’s Who in Christianity

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