
/ak"seuh neem'/, n. Cell Biol.
the shaft within a flagellum or cilium, containing twenty microtubules arranged as nine doublets and two singlets. Cf. nine plus two array.
[1900-05; AXO- + -neme < Gk nêma thread]

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  • Axonème — L axonème est la partie axiale et motrice d un cil ou d un flagelle d une cellule eucaryote. L axonème le plus souvent cité est constitué d un cylindre de 9 doublets de microtubules qui, associés entre eux par des moteurs moléculaires (les bras… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • axoneme — noun Etymology: Greek axōn axis + nēma thread, from nēn to spin more at needle Date: 1901 the fibrillar bundle of a flagellum or cilium that usually consists of nine pairs of microtubules arranged in a ring around a single central pair • axonemal …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • axoneme — n. [Gr. axon, axle; nema, thread] The core of a cilium or flagellum, comprising microtubles; genoneme of a chromosome …   Dictionary of invertebrate zoology

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  • axoneme — 1. The central thread running in the axis of the chromosome. 2. SYN: axial filament. 3. The distinctive array of microtubules in the core of eukaryotic cilia and flagella comprising a central pair surrounded by a sheaf of nine doublet… …   Medical dictionary

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  • axoneme — ax•o•neme [[t]ˈæk səˌnim[/t]] n. cbl the shaft within a flagellum or cilium, containing twenty microtubules arranged as nine doublets and two singlets • Etymology: 1900–05; < Gkáxōnaxis +nêma thread …   From formal English to slang

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