
/av"euh lanch', -lahnch'/, n., v., avalanched, avalanching.
1. a large mass of snow, ice, etc., detached from a mountain slope and sliding or falling suddenly downward.
2. anything like an avalanche in suddenness and overwhelming quantity: an avalanche of misfortunes; an avalanche of fan mail.
3. Also called Townsend avalanche. Physics, Chem. a cumulative ionization process in which the ions and electrons of one generation undergo collisions that produce a greater number of ions and electrons in succeeding generations.
4. to come down in, or like, an avalanche.
5. to overwhelm with an extremely large amount of anything; swamp.
[1755-65; < F < dial. (Savoy) avalantse, alter. (by assoc. with avaler to descend rapidly) of laventse < pre-L (perh. Ligurian) *lavanca, or reshaping of LL labina landslide (deriv. of L labi to slide) with a pre-L suffix -anca]

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Large mass of rock debris or snow that moves rapidly down a mountain slope, sweeping and grinding everything in its path.

Avalanches begin when a mass of material overcomes the frictional resistance of the sloping surface, often after its foundation is loosened by spring rains or is partially melted by a warm, dry wind. Vibrations caused by loud noises, such as gunfire or thunder, can start the mass moving. Some avalanches develop during heavy snowstorms and slide while the snow is still falling, but more often they occur after snow has accumulated at a given site. Avalanche control consists largely of detonating explosives in the upper reaches of avalanche zones, intentionally causing the snow to slide before accumulations become very great.

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      a mass of material moving rapidly down a slope. An avalanche is typically triggered when material on a slope breaks loose from its surroundings; this material then quickly collects and carries additional material down the slope. There are various kinds of avalanches, including rock avalanches (which consist of large segments of shattered rock), ice avalanches (which typically occur in the vicinity of a glacier), and debris avalanches (which contain a variety of unconsolidated materials, such as loose stones and soil). snow avalanches, the subject of the remainder of this article, constitute a relatively common phenomenon in many mountainous areas. See also landslide.

      The size of a snow avalanche can range from a small shifting of loose snow (called sluffing) to the displacement of enormous slabs of snow. In a slab avalanche, the mass of descending snow may reach a speed of 130 km (80 miles) per hour and is capable of destroying forests and small villages in its path. Avalanches kill about 150 people a year in North America and Europe. Most of those killed are backcountry skiers, climbers, snowshoers, and snowmobilers who accidentally trigger an avalanche and become buried in the snow. The number of North American fatalities has risen with the increasing popularity of winter sports. Avalanches also have been triggered intentionally in warfare to kill enemy troops. In World War I, during fighting in the Alps on the Austrian-Italian front in December 1916, more than 10,000 troops were killed in a single day by avalanches triggered by artillery fired onto slopes of unstable snow.

Avalanche conditions
      The occurrence of an avalanche depends on the interaction of mountainous terrain, weather conditions, snowpack conditions, and a trigger. Slab avalanches typically occur on slopes of 30 to 50 degrees. On slopes that are less steep, there is generally insufficient gravitational force to overcome frictional resistance and cause the displacement of a snow slab; on steeper slopes snow tends to sluff off. However, slab avalanches do occur on steeper slopes in climates with dense, wet snowfall. An important feature of terrain that can lead to an avalanche is the lack of objects that serve to anchor the snow, such as trees (tree). Slab avalanches will not occur on slopes with sufficiently dense tree cover, which is about 1,000 conifer trees per hectare (400 per acre) on steep slopes and about half that density on gentler slopes. Other objects that can anchor the snow are large exposed rock outcroppings and rocks that are large enough to stick up through the snow cover. The probability of avalanches may be increased or decreased by several other terrain features, such as slope shape, a slope's exposure to sun and wind, and elevation.

      Certain types of weather lead directly to dangerous avalanche conditionsthat is, to a high risk that an avalanche will occur. Slab avalanches are commonly associated with heavy snowfall and strong wind. With heavy snowfall, weaknesses in the existing snowpack may become overloaded, and the snow may fall so quickly that the new snow is unable to bond to the snow beneath it. Strong wind tends to break down the snow into ice crystals that readily bond together into a slab, and it also transports snow onto the lee sides of ridges and gullies, where wind-loaded snow leads to more frequent avalanching. Other meteorological conditions that can quickly lead to dangerous avalanche conditions are rapidly rising air temperature and rainfall on existing snow cover.

      A snowpack consists of layers of snow, each formed at different times. Once the snow is on the ground, the ice crystals undergo physical changes that differentiate the layers deeper in the snowpack from those on top. These changes can weaken a layer underlying a cohesive slab of snow and thereby help set up a slab avalanche.

      Once the conditions for an avalanche exist, a trigger simply applies sufficient force to release it. Natural triggers include new snowfall, wind-deposited snow, and a falling cornice (an overhanging mass of windblown ice or snow extending from a ridge). Other triggers include skiers, snowmobilers, snowboarders, and explosive blasts. Contrary to popular belief, noises such as yelling, yodeling, or the sound of a snowmobile will not trigger avalanches. Research has shown that only the loudest sonic booms under the most sensitive avalanche conditions might be able to trigger a slide.

Prediction and protective measures
      In order to reduce fatalities and to protect villages and roads, people attempt to predict and prevent avalanches. Accurate avalanche prediction requires an experienced avalanche forecaster who often works both in the field to gather snowpack information and in the office with sophisticated tools such as remotely accessed weather data, detailed historical weather and avalanche databases, weather models, and avalanche-forecasting models. Avalanche forecasters combine their historical knowledge of past conditions with their knowledge of the affected terrain, current weather, and current snowpack conditions to predict when and where avalanches are most likely to occur. Such forecasting work typically takes place along mountain highways, adjacent to potentially affected villages, at ski areas, and in terrain heavily used for backcountry skiing and snowmobiling.

      In addition to predicting avalanches, people employ a variety of techniques to reduce avalanche danger. Explosives are used to trigger avalanches on potentially unstable slopes so that the avalanches will occur when people are not endangered. Such avalanche control is particularly effective for ski areas and highway corridors. In some areas prone to avalanches, particularly near villages and fixed structures, devices such as avalanche rakes (large reinforced fencing) are used on slopes to hold snow in place, and diversion structures such as dams or wedges are used at the base of the slope to stop, split, or deflect the snow in an avalanche. Though expensive, these defensive measures are common throughout the Alps, where numerous villages are found in areas known for dangerous avalanches.

Karl W. Birkeland

Additional Reading
Avalanches and their dangers are described in David McClung and Peter Schaerer, The Avalanche Handbook (1993); and Bruce Tremper, Staying Alive in Avalanche Terrain (2001). Avalanche (1997), produced by Beth Hoppe and Jack McDonald and part of the PBS television series NOVA, documents on video the work of avalanche scientists and contains many dramatic scenes of avalanches.

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