Atlantic Charter

Atlantic Charter
the joint declaration of President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill (August 14, 1941) resulting from a conference at sea, setting forth the peace aims of their governments for the period following World War II. The declaration was later endorsed by a number of countries and incorporated in the purposes of the United Nations.

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Joint declaration issued on Aug.

14, 1941, during World War II, by Winston Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt. Among the statements made in this propaganda manifesto, signed when the U.S. had not yet entered the war, were that neither the U.S. nor Britain sought aggrandizement and that both advocated the restoration of self-government to peoples forcibly deprived of it. The charter was incorporated by reference in the Declaration of the UN (1942).

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agreement, United Kingdom-United States
 joint declaration issued on Aug. 14, 1941, during World War II, by the British prime minister, Winston Churchill (Churchill, Sir Winston), and Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt (Roosevelt, Franklin D.) of the still non-belligerent United States, after four days of conferences aboard warships anchored at Placentia Bay, off the coast of Newfoundland.

      A statement of common aims, the charter held that (1) neither nation sought any aggrandizement; (2) they desired no territorial changes without the free assent of the peoples concerned; (3) they respected every people's right to choose its own form of government and wanted sovereign rights and self-government restored to those forcibly deprived of them; (4) they would try to promote equal access for all states to trade and to raw materials; (5) they hoped to promote worldwide collaboration so as to improve labour standards, economic progress, and social security; (6) after the destruction ofNazi tyranny,” they would look for a peace under which all nations could live safely within their boundaries, without fear or want; (7) under such a peace the seas should be free; and (8) pending a general security through renunciation of force, potential aggressors must be disarmed.

      The Atlantic Charter was subsequently incorporated by reference in the Declaration of the United Nations (Jan. 1, 1942).

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