
/as"im toht'/, n. Math.
a straight line approached by a given curve as one of the variables in the equation of the curve approaches infinity.
[1650-60; < Gk asýmptotos, equiv. to a- A-6 + sýmptotos falling together (sym- SYM- + ptotós falling, deriv. of pto-, var. s. of píptein to fall + -tos verbid suffix)]

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In mathematics, a line or curve that acts as the limit of another line or curve.

For example, a descending curve that approaches but does not reach the horizontal axis is said to be asymptotic to that axis, which is the asymptote of the curve.

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      In mathematics, a line or curve that acts as the limit of another line or curve. For example, a descending curve that approaches but does not reach the horizontal axis is said to be asymptotic to that axis, which is the asymptote of the curve.

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Universalium. 2010.

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