
/ah"stee/; Eng. /as"tee/, n.
a city in the Piedmont region of Italy, S of Turin: center of wine-producing region. 76,950.

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      city, Piemonte ( Piedmont) region, northwestern Italy. It lies at the confluence of the Tanaro and Borbera rivers, 28 miles (45 km) southeast of Turin. Asti was the Hasta, or Colonia, of the Romans and was the seat of a bishopric from AD 932. It reached its zenith as an independent commune in the 13th century, after which it fell to several overlords before coming under the House of Savoy in 1575. Notable landmarks in the city include the cathedral (130948); the 13th-century collegiate church of San Secondo, with a Romanesque campanile on a Roman base; the 13th-century Torre Troiana (Trojan Tower); the 10th-century Baptistery of San Pietro; the 7th- and 8th-century crypts of San Giovanni and San Anastasius; and numerous medieval and Renaissance churches and palaces, including the Palazzo Alfieri, which was the birthplace of the tragedian Vittorio Alfieri (17491803). Asti is an agricultural market known for fine wines, notably Asti spumante, and fruits. Industries include food canning, metallurgy, glassworks and brickworks, and the manufacture of chemicals. Pop. (2006 est.) mun., 73,734.

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Universalium. 2010.

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