
/as"teuhr/, n.
1. any composite plant of the genus Aster, having rays varying from white or pink to blue around a yellow disk.
2. a plant of some allied genus, as the China aster.
3. Cell Biol. a structure formed in a cell during mitosis, composed of astral rays radiating about the centrosome.
4. Furniture. sunflower (def. 2).
[1595-1605; < L < Gk astér STAR]

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Any of various chiefly fall-blooming, leafy-stemmed herbaceous plants (Aster and closely related genera) in the composite family, often with showy flowers.

Included among the asters are many perennial wildflowers and hundreds of garden varieties.

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      Any of various chiefly fall-blooming, leafy-stemmed herbaceous plants (Aster and closely related genera) in the Asteraceae family (Asteraceae), often with showy flowers. Included among the asters are many perennial wildflowers and hundreds of garden varieties.

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Universalium. 2010.

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