
/as"teuh teen' -tin/, n. Chem.
a rare element of the halogen family. Symbol: At; at. no.: 85.
[1945-50; < Gk ástat(os) not steadfast, unstable (see ASTATIC) + -INE2]

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 radioactive chemical element and the heaviest member of the halogen elements (halogen element), or Group 17 (Group VIIa) of the periodic table (periodic law). Astatine, which has no stable isotopes (isotope), was first synthetically produced (1940) at the University of California by American physicists Dale R. Corson, Kenneth R. MacKenzie, and Emilio Segrè (Segrè, Emilio), who bombarded bismuth with accelerated alpha particles (alpha particle) ( helium nuclei) to yield astatine-211 and neutrons (neutron). Naturally occurring astatine isotopes have subsequently been found in minute amounts in the three natural radioactive decay series, in which they occur by minor branching (astatine-218 in the uranium series, astatine-216 in the thorium series, and astatine-215 and astatine-219 in the actinium series). Thirty-three isotopes are known; astatine-210, with a half-life of 8.3 hours, is the longest lived. Because astatine has no stable or long-lived isotopes, it was given its name from the Greek word astatos, meaningunstable.”

Production and use
      The only practical way of obtaining astatine is by synthesizing it through nuclear reactions (nuclear reaction). Astatine is usually prepared according to the general equation:

      which indicates that bismuth-209 takes up one alpha particle and emits x neutrons (neutron) to form an isotope of astatine, whose atomic weight depends on the number of neutrons lost. Metallic bismuth may be used as a target material. From this, astatine may readily be removed by distillation in air from a stainless-steel (stainless steel) tube. The free element begins to distill at 271 °C (520 °F, or the melting point of bismuth), but the operation is best carried out at 800 °C (1,500 °F) with subsequent redistillation. If an aqueous solution of astatine is desired, the element may be separated by washing with an appropriate aqueous solution. Alternatively, the halogen may be removed from the target by chemical methods, such as dissolving in nitric acid, with the latter being removed by boiling.

      Another procedure involves the use of a metallic thorium target, whichafter bombardmentis dissolved in concentrated hydrochloric acid containing hydrogen fluoride and chlorine.

      Because of the short half-lives of astatine isotopes (isotope), only very small quantities have been available for study. With the exception of a few spectrometric and mass-spectrometric studies, most investigations of astatine chemistry have used tracer techniques, which involve using chemical reactions in a solution with similarly reacting elements as carriers. The amount of astatine is then calculated from the measured radioactivity of the reaction products. However, the rarity of astatine means that these solutions (solution) are extremely dilute, with concentrations around or below 10−10 molarity (the number of moles (mole) per litre of solution). At such concentrations, the effects of impurities can be very serious, especially for a halogen (halogen element) such as astatine, which exists in several oxidation states and can form many organic compounds. iodine has been used as a carrier in most experiments. Techniques applied include coprecipitation, solvent extraction, ion exchange, and other forms of chromatography (separation by adsorption differences), electrodeposition (deposition by an electric current), electromigration (movement in an electric field), and diffusion. A direct identification of some astatine compounds has been made by mass spectrometry.

      Except for nuclear properties, the only physical property of astatine to be measured directly is the spectrum of atomic astatine. Other physical properties have been predicted from theory and by extrapolation from the properties of other elements.

Chemical properties
      Some of the chemical properties of the element have been established. It generally resembles iodine. Thus, like iodine, it concentrates in the thyroid gland of higher animals. A substantial portion, however, is distributed throughout the body and acts as an internal radiation source.

      The astatide ion, At, is quantitatively coprecipitated with insoluble iodides, such as silver iodide or thallium iodide. The diffusion coefficient of the iodide ion is 1.42 times that of the astatide ion, which moves more slowly toward the anode than the former under given conditions. The ion is formed by reduction of the element, using zinc or sulfur dioxide. It is oxidized to the zero valence state by the ferric ion, Fe3+, iodine (I2), and dilute nitric acid. Thus, the astatide ion is a stronger reducing agent than the iodide ion, and free iodine is a stronger oxidizing agent than astatine.

      Free astatine is characterized by volatility from solution and by extractability into organic solvents. It undergoes disproportionation in alkaline media. Astatine is coprecipitated with cesium iodide and thus appears to form polyhalide anions. Astatine extracted into chloroform has been shown to coprecipitate homogeneously with iodine when a portion of the latter is crystallized. Astatine seems to be present as the iodide, which appears to be more polar (i.e., showing separation of electric charge) in character than iodine bromide. It is somewhat soluble in water and much more soluble in benzene and carbon tetrachloride.

      Astatine is known to occur in positive oxidation numbers (oxidation number). The astatate ion, (AtO3), is coprecipitated with insoluble iodates, such as silver iodate (AgIO3), and is obtained by the oxidation of lower oxidation states with hypochlorite, periodate, or persulfate. So far no evidence for perastatate has been found, but this may be because the ion, (AtO6)5−, may show little tendency to coprecipitate with potassium iodate (KIO4).

      Astatine in the +1 state is stabilized by complexation, and complexes formulated as dipyridine astatine perchlorate [At(py)2] [ClO4] and dipyridine astatine nitrate [At(py)2] [NO3] have been prepared. Compounds with the formulas (C6H5)AtCl2, (C6H5)2AtCl, and (C6H5)AtO2 have also been obtained. A variety of methods may be used to synthesize astatobenzene, C6H5At.

atomic number
stablest isotope
oxidation states
−1, +1, +3(?), +5, +7(?)
electronic config.
Karl Christe Stefan Schneider

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Universalium. 2010.

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