Assemblies of God

Assemblies of God
the largest American Pentecostal denomination, formed in 1914 by the merger of various Pentecostal churches and marked by faith healing and speaking in tongues.
Also, Assembly of God.

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Largest Pentecostal denomination in the U.S. It was formed in 1914 in Hot Springs, Ark.

, by the union of several small Pentecostal groups. The Assemblies of God emphasize the centrality of the Bible in Christian faith and worship. Instead of sacraments, the Assemblies have two ordinances, baptism by total immersion and the Lord's Supper. Personal sanctification is believed to happen gradually rather than instantaneously, and millennial doctrines dealing with Christ's Second Coming and the establishment of the Kingdom of God are of great importance. The Assemblies of God have been very active in mission work in the U.S. and overseas. See also millennialism, Pentecostalism.

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Protestant denomination
      Pentecostal (Pentecostalism) denomination of the Protestant church, generally considered the largest such denomination in the United States. It was formed by a union of several small Pentecostal groups at Hot Springs, Arkansas, in 1914. The council of some 120 pastors and evangelists who effected this union among diverse regional associations adopted a simple type of polity that was an admixture of Congregational and Presbyterian elements. The council elected an Executive Presbytery to serve as the central administrative group; this organ was empowered to execute the mandates given it by the General Council and to act for the council in all matters that affected its interest when it was not in session.

      Except for a pronouncement thatthe Holy inspired Scriptures are the all-sufficient rule for faith and practiceand we shall not add to or take from them,” that first General Council postponed action on the matter of a definitive doctrinal statement. Subsequently, however, a Statement of Fundamental Truths was adopted. The document demonstrated that the Assemblies of God are Trinitarian (believing in God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) and Arminian (Arminianism) (accepting the doctrines of grace and free will as espoused by the 16th17th-century Dutch theologian Arminius (Arminius, Jacobus)). They also subscribe to two ordinances (baptism by total immersion in water and the Lord's Supper), hold a view of sanctification (becoming holy) that may be described asprogressive,” or gradual rather thaninstantaneousin regard to moral purity, and are strongly premillennial, believing in the doctrine of Christ's Second Advent before the 1,000-year reign of Christ and his saints.

      From the outset, the Assemblies of God has been intensely mission-conscious. In addition to extensive foreign missions, the denomination conducts a diversified program of home missions among foreign-language groups in America's urban centres, on Indian reservations, in prisons, and among the deaf and the blind. The denomination operates the Gospel Publishing House in Springfield, Missouri, two colleges of arts and scienceEvangel University (also in Springfield) and Vanguard University of Southern California (Costa Mesa)—and a number of regional Bible institutes.

      In 1997 the group reported 2,494,574 members and 11,920 congregations in the United States. The related Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada reported 218,782 members and 1,100 congregations. U.S. headquarters are in Springfield, Missouri, and Canadian headquarters are in Mississauga, Ontario.

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Universalium. 2010.

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