
Fr. /ann sahonn blay"/, n., pl. assemblés Fr. /-blay"/. Ballet.
a jump in which the dancer throws one leg up, springs off the other, and lands with both feet together.
[ < F, ptp. of assembler to ASSEMBLE]

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also called  Pas Assemblé 

      (French:step put together”), in classical ballet, a movement in which a dancer's feet or legs are brought together in the air and the dancer lands on both feet. It can be done front, back, dessus, dessous, and so on.

      In a basic assemblé, the dancer brushes the working leg into the air while simultaneously pushing off the supporting leg, touches the feet or legs together in the air, and lands with the feet usually in fifth position demi-plié (feet crossed, knees bent). There are many variations of an assemblé, which can involve turning or traveling across the floor and executing small, battu (“beaten”) steps.

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  • assemble — as‧sem‧ble [əˈsembl] verb 1. [transitive] MANUFACTURING to make a product by putting parts together: • The factory will assemble GM pickup trucks for sale in the Chinese market. 2. [transitive] FINANCE if a financial institution assembles a loan …   Financial and business terms

  • assemblé — [ asɑ̃ble ] n. m. • 1700; de assembler ♦ Chorégr. Saut avec une jambe, l autre étant en l air, où l on retombe sur les deux pieds réunis. ● assemblé nom masculin ou assemblée nom féminin Pas de conclusion d un enchaînement ou temps de préparation …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • Assemble — As*sem ble, v. i. To meet or come together, as a number of individuals; to convene; to congregate. Dryden. [1913 Webster] The Parliament assembled in November. W. Massey. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Assemble — As*sem ble, v. i. To liken; to compare. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] Bribes may be assembled to pitch. Latimer. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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