
/as"peuhn/, n.
a town in central Colorado: ski resort. 3678.

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City (pop., 2000: 5,914), western central Colorado, U.S. It is located on the Roaring Fork River at the edge of the White River National Forest, at an altitude of 7,907 ft (2,410 m).

Founded by prospectors с 1878, it was a booming silver-mining town by 1887 but declined rapidly after silver prices collapsed in the early 1890s. Its revival as a ski resort began in the late 1930s, and it is now a popular tourist town; it is also known for its cultural festivals, notably the Aspen Music Festival.

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      city, seat (1881) of Pitkin county, west-central Colorado, U.S., on the Roaring Fork River at the eastern edge of the White River National Forest (elevation 7,907 feet [2,410 metres]). Founded by prospectors c. 1878 and named for the local stands of aspen trees, it became a booming silver-mining town of 15,000 by 1887 but declined rapidly after silver prices collapsed in the early 1890s. Long forgotten and nearly a ghost town, Aspen has become one of the most desirableand expensivedestinations in the United States. Aspen's revivalas a recreational and cultural meccabegan in the late 1930s and was in large part due to the enterprise of Walter Paepcke, a Chicago industrialist. Nearby are some of the high points of the Rocky Mountains, including Capitol, Creek, Snowmass, and Maroon peaks (all exceeding 14,000 feet [4,270 metres]); the average snowfall on these peaks exceeds 300 inches (760 cm) per year. During World War II the city served as a training centre for mountain divisions of the U.S. Army, which further spurred the city's development. The first ski-lift-assisted area was opened in the winter of 194647; Aspen's subsequent development of facilities for skiing and other winter sports make it a popular winter resort. It has also become a vacation centre for the film industry, around which an internationally renowned film festival, inaugurated in 1979, has grown. Paepcke created the Aspen Institute (1950; formally the Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies), which in turn established the Aspen Music Festival and School (1950); both are summer attractions. The summer residency program of Utah's Ballet West and the Aspen Theatre in the Park provide other popular programs in the city. Inc. 1881. Pop. (1990) 5,049; (2000) 5,914.

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Universalium. 2010.

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