Ashurnasirpal II

Ashurnasirpal II
/ah'shoor nah"zir pahl'/, ("the Merciless")
died 859? B.C., warrior king of Assyria 884?-859 B.C. Also, Assurnasirpal II, Ashur-nasir-apal II /ah'shoor nah"zir ah pahl'/.

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king of Assyria
flourished 9th century BC
 king of Assyria 883859 BC, whose major accomplishment was the consolidation of the conquests of his father, Tukulti-Ninurta II, leading to the establishment of the New Assyrian Empire. Although, by his own testimony, he was a brilliant general and administrator, he is perhaps best known for the brutal frankness with which he described the atrocities committed on his captives. The details of his reign are known almost entirely from his own inscriptions and the splendid reliefs in the ruins of his palace at Calah (now Nimrūd, Iraq).

      The annals of Ashurnasirpal II give a detailed account of the campaigns of his first six years as king and show him moving from one corner of his empire to another, putting down rebellions, reorganizing provinces, exacting tribute, and meeting opposition with calculated ruthlessness. In the east, Ashurnasirpal early in his reign publicly flayed the rebel governor of Nishtun at Arbela (modern Irbīl, Iraq), and, after brief expeditions in 881880 BC, he had no further trouble there.

      In the north, he thwarted Aramaean pressure on the Assyrian city of Damdamusa by storming the rebel stronghold of Kinabu and ravaging the land of Nairi (Armenia). He organized a new Assyrian province of Tushhan to control the border, and there he received tribute from his father's former opponent Amme-ba'ali. In 879 BC, however, the tribes in the Kashiari hills revolted and murdered Amme-ba'ali. The Assyrian revenge was swift and ruthless. In the west, he subdued the Aramaeans, extracting submission from the powerful state of Bit-Adini, and subsequently marched unopposed to the Mediterranean Sea by way of Carchemish and the Orontes River, receiving tribute along the way and from the cities of Phoenicia.

      Ashurnasirpal used the captives from his campaigns to rebuild the city of Calah, which had been founded by Shalmaneser I (reigned c. 1263c. 1234 BC) but was then only a ruin. By 879 BC the main palace in the citadel, the temples of Ninurta and Enlil, shrines for other deities, and the city wall had been completed. Botanic gardens and a zoologic garden had been laid out, and water supplies were assured by a canal from the Great Zab River. The inscriptions and reliefs from this city, to which the king moved from Nineveh, are the principal historical source for the reign. In 1951 a stela was discovered at the site commemorating a feast lasting 10 days for 69,574 persons to celebrate the city's official opening when the king moved there from Nineveh in 879 BC.

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