
ascetically, adv.
/euh set"ik/, n.
1. a person who dedicates his or her life to a pursuit of contemplative ideals and practices extreme self-denial or self-mortification for religious reasons.
2. a person who leads an austerely simple life, esp. one who abstains from the normal pleasures of life or denies himself or herself material satisfaction.
3. (in the early Christian church) a monk; hermit.
adj. Also, ascetical.
4. pertaining to asceticism.
5. rigorously abstinent; austere: an ascetic existence.
6. exceedingly strict or severe in religious exercises or self-mortification.
[1640-50; < Gk asketikós subject to rigorous exercise, hardworking, equiv. to aske- (see ASKESIS) + -tikos -TIC]
Syn. 3. anchorite, recluse; cenobite. 5. strict, frugal, plain. 6. fanatic.
Ant. 5. self-indulgent.

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