
/as'keuh ruy"euh sis/, n. Pathol.
infestation with ascarids, esp. Ascaris lumbricoides.
[1885-90; < NL; see ASCARID, -IASIS]

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 infection of humans and other mammals caused by the intestinal roundworm (nematode) Ascaris lumbricoides. Infection follows the ingestion of Ascaris eggs that have contaminated foods or soil. In the small intestine the larvae are liberated and migrate through the intestinal wall, reaching the lungs, where they may produce a host sensitization that results in lung inflammation and fluid retention. About 10 days later, the larvae pass from the respiratory passages into the digestive tract and mature into egg-producing worms, which grow to some 15 to 40 cm (6 to 16 inches) in length, in the small intestine. Serious, even fatal, complications of ascariasis result from the infiltration of the larvae into sensitive tissues, such as the brain, and from the migration of the adult worms into various body structures where they produce abcesses and toxic manifestations.

      Ascariasis exists worldwide in rural communities and is believed to affect some 660 million persons. The sanitary disposal of human excreta is the most important preventive measure. Treatment is by the use of drugs.

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Universalium. 2010.

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