Articles of Confederation

Articles of Confederation
the first constitution of the 13 American states, adopted in 1781 and replaced in 1789 by the Constitution of the United States.

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Early U.S. constitution (178189) under the government by the Continental Congress, replaced in 1787 by the U.S. Constitution.

It provided for a confederation of sovereign states and gave the Congress power to regulate foreign affairs, war, and the postal service, to control Indian affairs, and to borrow money. Under the Articles, Congress settled state claims to western lands and established the Northwest Ordinances. But Congress had no power to enforce its requests to the states for money or troops, and by late 1786 the government had ceased to be effective, as was demonstrated by Shays's Rebellion (178687) against courts that had been enforcing seizures of property for debt. Delegates to the Annapolis Convention called a meeting of all the states to amend the Articles.

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