Ars Antiqua

Ars Antiqua
/ahrz" an tee"kweuh, ahrs"-/, Music.
the style of composition characteristic of the 13th century, esp. in France. Cf. Ars Nova.
[ < ML: ancient art]

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(Latin; "Ancient Art")

Musical style of 13th-century France.

The term was derived retrospectively to distinguish 13th-century music from that of the 14th century (Ars Nova). It is partly characterized by use of the six rhythmic modes, each being a rhythmic pattern that would recur throughout a piece, such as long-short (first mode) or short-long (second). Akin to the "feet" of poetry (see prosody), the relative lengths of long and short depended on the mode. The system broke down as composers began to use subdivisions of the short note. The musical genres of the Ars Antiqua included organum and the early motet.

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▪ music history
      (Medieval Latin: “Ancient Art”), in music history, period of musical activity in 13th-century France, characterized by increasingly sophisticated counterpoint (the art of combining simultaneous voice parts), that culminated in the innovations of the 14th-century Ars Nova (q.v.). The term Ars Antiqua originated, in fact, with the Ars Nova theorists, some of whom spoke of the “Ancient Art” with praise, others with contempt. All of them, however, agreed upon a marked difference between the two styles, a difference rooted primarily in the profound rhythmic innovations of the Ars Nova. Those theorists limited the Ars Antiqua to the latter part of the 13th century, while modern music historians have broadened the term to encompass the entire century.

      The authorship of most of the music of the Ars Antiqua is anonymous. Nevertheless, three important figures emerge from the general obscurity: Pérotin (flourished late 12th century), who succeeded the famed Léonin at the Cathedral of Notre-Dame in Paris and who composed the earliest known music for four voices; Franco of Cologne (flourished mid-13th century), a theorist, whose Ars cantus mensurabilis (“The Art of Measured Song”) served to organize and codify the newly formed mensural system (a more precise system of rhythmic notation, the direct ancestor of modern notation); and Pierre de la Croix (flourished last half of 13th century), whose works anticipate the Ars Nova style by virtue of their rhythmic fluency.

      The most important form to originate in the Ars Antiqua is the motet, which retained its popularity for centuries. The essence of this form is its simultaneous presentation of more than one text. It seems to have begun with the addition of a new text to the upper voice(s) of a sacred polyphonic composition, the slower moving lower voice retaining its original sacred text. The next text—in Latin, like the original text—at first complemented or amplified the meaning of the original words. Later, the language of the added text changed to French while the sentiments became more worldly, resulting in compositions in which the sacred Latin text of the lower voice is accompanied by one or more secular French texts in the upper voice(s).

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Universalium. 2010.

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