
/euh ret"soh/; It. /ah rddet"tsaw/, n.
a city in central Italy. 312,514.

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Latin  Arretium,  
 city, Toscana ( Tuscany) regione, north-central Italy, in a fertile plain near the confluence of the Chiana and Arno rivers southeast of Florence. An important Etruscan city, it was known to the Romans as Arretium and was noted for its red-clay Arretine pottery. A flourishing commune in the Middle Ages, it fell to Florence in 1384 and later became part of the grand duchy of Tuscany. After a short period of French rule during the Napoleonic Wars, the rule of the Habsburg grand dukes was restored until Arezzo became part of Italy in 1861. The city was severely damaged in World War II.

      Arezzo's many old churches include the cathedral, begun in 1286 and finally completed in 1914; the Romanesque Santa Maria della Pieve; San Domenico (begun 1275), with a crucifix by Cimabue; the Renaissance Santa Maria delle Grazie, with an altar by Andrea della Robbia; and San Francesco, with a famous series of frescoes, theLegend of the True Cross,” by Piero della Francesca. There are numerous 14th-century palaces and houses around the former city centre, notably the Palazzo della Fraternità. A collection of Arretine vases is housed in the remains of a Roman amphitheatre, and the Etruscan museum and the picture gallery contain fine collections. Arezzo was the birthplace of the writers Petrarch and Pietro Aretino; the artist Spinello Aretino; Guido d'Arezzo, innovator in musical notation; and the painter, architect, and writer Giorgio Vasari.

      A centre of road communications, Arezzo has a basic agricultural economy augmented by railroad construction shops and clothing and footwear factories; goldware and lace are exported. Pop. (2006 est.) mun., 95,229.

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Universalium. 2010.

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